Global Index Score
70 - 80
60 - 70
50 - 60
[information unavailable]
SDG {{ current_sdg }}
{{ sdg_titles[current_sdg] }}
SDG achieved
Challenges remain
Significant challenges remain
Major challenges remain
[information unavailable]
The boundaries, colors, denominations, and other information shown on this map do not imply any judgment on the part of SDSN concerning the legal status of any territory or the endorsement or acceptance of such boundaries.

Sustainable Development Goals

Select one of the 17 SDGs to see it on the map or display the global index

The SDG Index

Select a country to see its full profile

Country Region SDGs Rank Score
{{ }} {{ country.region }}
{{ country.global_index_rank | numberOrNull }} {{ country.global_index_score | numberOrNull }}

{{ }}

{{ country.region | region_name }}

Current Assessment – SDG Dashboard

SDG achieved
Challenges remain
Significant challenges remain
Major challenges remain
[information unavailable]
Mantaining SDG achievement
On track to achieve goal by 2030
Score moderately increasing, insufficient to attain goal
Score stagnating or increasing at less than 50% of required rate
Score decreasing
Trend information unavailable

Performance by Indicator

{{ country.average_sdgs[current_sdg-1]}}
{{ sdg_titles[current_sdg] }}
{{ country.average_sdgs[current_sdg-1]}}
  • {{ | indicatorName }} {{ | indicatorUnit }}
    {{ country.sdgs[current_sdg][index].value }}     ··

Select an SDG to see its group of indicators